VISION Research Projects

A01 – Spatiotemporal orchestration of alphaherpesvirus capsid assembly, genome packaging and nuclear egress
Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB)

A02 – Protein-protein interactions determining influenza A virus (IAV) shape and assembly
Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB)

A04 – From deciphering to blocking assembly of human norovirus-like particles
Centre for Structural Systems Biology (CSSB)

A05 – Dimerisation of viral capsid proteins investigated by single molecule FRET
Universität zu Lübeck (UzL)

A07 – Structural Characterization of HCV-Antibody Interactions
Universität zu Lübeck (UzL)

A08 – Structural Characterization of Complement Control Protein of Kaposi´s Sarcoma Associated Herpes Virus
Universität zu Lübeck (UzL)